We were welcoming Don Oliphant to speak about Quilts of Valour – Canada Society. He talked about the early beginnings of the movement up to what is being done today. If you are thinking of helping to create these quilts you will understand how precious they are!
Quilts of Valour Sewing Days:
Chatham Legion
Last Friday of the Month
9 am to 3 pm
May 25; June 29
Tilbury Legion
3rd Saturday of the Month
9 am to 2 pm
May 19; June 16
Trinity United Church, Wallaceburg
3rd Monday of the Month
9 am to 4 pm
May 21; June 18
What a great day we had at Wednesday’s workshop. Everyone did a great job under Jeanette’s tutelage.
Thank you Joyce Martin-Bruce for the update on 2018 International Plowing Match & Rural Expo Chatham-Kent.
Show & Share projects were gorgeous, you can check them all out on our Facebook page.