Comfort Quilts by Chatham-Kent Quilters' Guild

Comfort Quilts Update – January 2019

May the Season’s Good Cheer be with us all the year, Happy New Year to all!

It was sad, but with great joy, that the Guild was able to share comfort, with 97 persons, local and beyond. Annual report next month, will count all the quilts in our Outreach project, Comfort Quilts. Please remember to let us know of anyone who could use this help. FYI , in 2018, only 21 Guild members requested 90 quilts, and 7 others were requests from friends, who are aware that we do this. Quilts don’t supply much comfort piled in the storage area; they need to be shared. Help us by requesting quilts.

WORKSHOP in January will be another Cuddle Quilt event. Kits are ready, come and enjoy the fellowship, fun, and laughter. Bring your lunch, or come for a bit. Pressers are always needed; learn how to machine-quilt small quilts; always something new to learn, working together.

Joan Sharpe was the lucky recipient of the Christmas Quilt, at the Christmas Gathering. This quilt was especially made in appreciation for all the tickets bought by members throughout the year. We sometimes receive quilts, or tops, that are bigger than we use, so there probably will be more draws, in 2019.

Thanks all.

~ Elise Roy, Rachel DeBruyne, Linda Baetsen, Jane Jenner.

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