Comfort Quilt - Chatham Kent Quilters Guild

Comfort Quilts Update – April 2019

Comfort Quilts have received some surprising good news. When the books were closed on the 2018 International Plowing Match, it had generated a profit! And, funds generated by it stay in our area. Comfort Quilts will be recipient of some of these, due to our participation at the IPM. This will be officially announced at the Filling in the Furrow Event, in June. We are so very grateful. It takes a lot of batting for our many quilts.

This brings to mind, if there is anyone who cannot, or chooses not to participate in making Comfort Quilts, we would welcome any donations towards buying the batting. Our most recent purchase of this important part of a quilt was $1000.00.

53 quilts have been shared locally and 24 to Chatham Kent Health Alliance, since beginning 2019. Stop by our table, we hope to have quilts ready to quilt, or for the final step of sewing down the binding. Kindness is never wasted.

COMFORT QUILTS Sewing days: April 22, May 13 & 27 (YES , those who wish to sew on Easter Monday, the church is available to us) Drop in any time after 9:00. We finish at 3:00.

Your committee: Elise Roy, Rachel DeBruyne, Lynda Baetsen, Jane Jenner.

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