On June 13, several members watched as Chair Shirley received an envelope from 2018 International Plowing Match Committee, at the Filling in the Furrow evening, in Dresden. Comfort Quilts is very grateful to receive $900.00, part of funds generated from the Match.
Many other groups were beneficiaries as well. Some had been participants in all the work at the match…and some whose names were suggested and decided by heads of committees to receive funds for their work in Chatham-Kent. We all just looked at the cheque, and said…
That will buy a lot of batting!!!
Sharing of quilts continues on…some weeks very quickly – 92 locally and another 18 to Chatham Kent Health Alliance. Our stash of Comfort Quilts seems to be holding up for over the summer. But we are always ready to receive more.
We are just half way through 2019, but almost as many quilts shared, locally, as given out in all 2018. Thank you, everyone. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.
Your committee: Elise Roy, Rachel DeBruyne, Lynda Baetsen, Jane Jenner.