110 Comfort Quilts have been shared this year. Out of the last fifty, half have been for males. This prompts a request for help. If you have any masculine types of fabric, and/or coordinating colours, that you would like to share with Comfort Sewers, we would be very thankful for them. Please clearly mark your parcels for us. Sometimes unknown “parcels“ are left in the quilters’ closet. We never are quite sure who they are meant for….. the St. Paul’s quilters, or their knitting group, or for us?
Once again, this month, another man’s well coordinated quilt, totally finished, came from “The Queen St. Quilter”. Picked up two cuddles she had quilted, and received this surprise. At various times some other members have brought quilts/tops from their friends. Words cannot truly express our appreciation for this help in the Guild Comfort Outreach.
Renee, a representative for Childcan, will be our guest speaker at Guild this month. Renee is a delightful person, and will bring us an inspiring message about the work of Childcan. Childcan is more than providing a child with a quilt. Their goal is to provide the family of a sick child with much needed support. Many quilts are ready for her return trip to London. And this brings to mind, again, the need for masculine type quilts. When packing them up, we noticed once again, that quilts for teenage boys are very scarce in our pile of quilts. If they have no suitable quilts, polar fleece blankets are purchased for the boys. (what can we do about that?). All the quilts will be on display prior to the meeting and at intermission.
To be kind, is more important than to be right.
Your committee: Elise Roy, Rachel DeBruyne, Lynda Baetsen, Jane Jenner.